Designing Evidence-Based Spaces for Human and Environmental Well-Being

EnviroHacking is a revolutionary approach to design that merges science, sustainability, and creativity to shape environments that enhance human well-being. By blending evidence-based research with cutting-edge design principles, EnviroHacking goes beyond aesthetics to create spaces that are functional, inspiring, and attuned to our needs. This innovative approach recognises that our surroundings profoundly influence our behaviours, emotions, and health. From boosting productivity to promoting happiness and sustainability, EnviroHacking transforms the way we interact with the built environment, offering a blueprint for a more harmonious and human-centric future.
EnviroHacking is a term first introduced by Callie van der Merwe (co-founder of COOOP) at the AHICE Asia Pacific Hotel Conference in 2024. It describes an evidence-based design approach that uses empirical data to consciously manipulate our built environment in order to improve our abilities and quality of life. This involves infusing the findings of neuroscientists and environmental psychologists with sound design principles to create spaces that are not only functional but also beautiful, sustainable, and inspiring.
Callie van der Merwe, explains.
"When we initially tabled the concept of EnviroHacking, we didn't anticipate it sparking such a whirlwind of discussions, speaking engagements, interviews, and inquiries about its origins, meaning, and legitimacy. Recognising this, we feel it's high time to provide a concise summary and overview of recent discussions and fundamental principles."
EnviroHacking in a sense could be seen as the ultimate mash-up of biohacking and environmental design, completely flipping the script on how we understand and shape our environments for better health and well-being.
Environment + Hacking = EnviroHacking
Meanwhile, in the world of architecture and design, with an aid of AI, ML and popular design apps, this popular hacking culture - we refer to as EnviroHacking - has also spilled into design. Design has been democratised. We're all designers now, and this creative explosion should be celebrated, not stifled. Additionally, the traditional rules are further being rewritten, thanks to insights from the Neuroscience. With wearable devices and cutting-edge science, we're now finally getting a grip on how our environments affect us, positively and negatively, help us or harm us. This newfound knowledge is core to the principles of “NeuroArchitecture," where neuroscientists are of late in fact calling for the built environment to become a matter of Public Health.
By weaving neuroscience, or at least the findings of it, into our search for answers, we will collectively trail-blaze new and exciting evidence based design rules or hacks if you will, towards environmental typologies that will nurture healing, amplify our abilities, and hopefully lead to a longer and more meaningful existence. From the grassroots efforts of Citizen Designers to the top-down guidance of qualified scientists and professional architects.
To this end EnviroHacking can simply be summarised as the conscious manipulation of our built environment in order to improve our abilities and the quality of our lives.
Information Reference Index:
Relive the Highlights of the 2024 Design Inn Symposium
EnviroHacking Interior Spaces: Leading Healthier, Happier, More Successful Lives
Neuroarchitecture: How Neuroscience is Influencing Design
Biophilic Design: The Theory, Science, and Practice of Bringing Nature Into Interiors
Design Show Australia Agenda presents EnviroHacking