What is Designing for Human Behaviour?
Part 1
Redefining the Designer's Role: Moving Beyond Aesthetics to Shape Solutions from Concept to Completion.
In recent years, there has been a lot of focus on the value of design based on how people interact naturally with an object, space, building, or interface. It has been a very steep growth curve with a plethora of new terminology, soundbites, and suggested approaches to problem-solving in line with all the new categories of design. It also seems as if the design in many respects has perhaps finally matured as a profession offering legitimate business contribution and handsome returns on investment provided it is respected, harnessed, and integrated correctly with enough understanding of its position within the business problem-solving toolbox.
Yet the term “Design” is often still widely misunderstood and misused.
There was a time not so long ago when the wider popular understanding was simply that design was there to make things look pretty, a decoration, art.
Design Behaviour
“People think that design is styling. Design is not style. It's not about giving shape to the shell… and not giving a damn about the guts. Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need and beauty to produce something that the world didn't know it was missing.” Paola Antonelli
Design is as much art as it is science. It's complicated. Now that the term is fashionable it's also a badge many like to wear. No one claims to be a chef unless they have passed as one. Cook yes, but never a chef. Yet everyone thinks they know design and will very quickly pass themselves up as one. We have popular apps like Canva and Pinterest to blame for this misconception.